The Labyrinth Coalition

directory of labyrinth locators

  This is the most comprehensive  Directory of Labyrinth Locators & photo galleries on the net!. Most of these lists are maintained by dedicated volunteers across the nation. Information is constantly changing, so bookmark us and check back often!

We recommend calling ahead to verify directions and availability.

 Veriditas/TLS, World Wide Labyrinth Locator these two organizations have combined efforts   If you have a labyrinth available to the public,  add/update  your listing today!  They need your help to update the data base!
Alabama  - Annette Reynolds site new.gif (3186 bytes)  GOOGLE EARTH Labyrinth Links
Florida listings! UUC of Ft. Lauderdale
Georgia - Bob Peach' site + Adrian Fisher's  Maze Database mazes
Hawaii - by Eve Hogan Schedule of walks on Maui
Illinois-Iowa - Quad Cities Labyrinth Project AUSTRALIA  - Labyrinth Link Australia
Illinois - Relax4life site


Indiana, KY,OH, MI - Labyrinth Coalition ONTARIO  Labyrinth Community Network

Minnesota - Jill Geoffrion's site

Vancouver, BC, other provinces, St Paul's Church
MN Twin Cities -   David Schiesher's Web Site Nelson, BC Nelson Community Labyrinth
Alberta - Edmonton Labyrinth Society
New Mexico - Labyrinth Resource Group

Other lists and GALLERIES

North Carolina -  North Carolina PAXworks  Gallery - labyrinths & peaceful sites
New Jersey - list and links in NJ

Labyrinthos  Photo Library - Jeff Saward

Texas  - New Life Institute

Germany  over 25 German labyrinths + Chartres!

Texas Houston - Labyrinths + Taize, +more

Washington DC - photo essay by Walter Callahan
New England - New England Labyrinth Guild HOSPITALS  lists from Paxworks and  Robert Ferre
Ireland - Tony Christie's new Site


page hosting sponsored by  Webmaster: John Ridder  updated 10/29/09